Customer Testimonials

With innovative products and services and over 85 years of combined banking experience, our Business and Government Deposit Services department can help your business or municipality balance financial oversight with convenience. It’s all part of one powerfully simple idea: to give you the tools you need to be successful.

Here's what some of our customers are saying about us:

"As the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Chicopee with a budget of $195 million, I must insist on banking with a financial institution that is not only highly-rated, but also credible and accountable to our needs. Westfield Bank’s customer service has always been exceptional. Whenever we have an issue, whether big or small, we are always able to reach out to any number of staff members and get an immediate response. I would gladly recommend them to our colleagues."

Marie Laflamme | Treasurer

Westfield Bank has been Pathlight’s primary bank for over 15 years. They have worked with us on all aspects of our operations. I appreciate their prompt and personal customer service. It just takes one phone call to reach an experienced and approachable staff person. They know and understand our industry and help us to provide critical services to individuals with developmental disabilities and autism."

Ruth Banta | Executive Director

"American International College has banked with Westfield Bank for 15 years. The Bank is our principal banking institution and creditor and we maintain a number of deposit accounts with the Bank. They are able to handle the range of services required by the College and we are very pleased with the services provided and the online information available about our accounts, balances, and transactions."

Christopher Garrity | Vice President for Finance

"Pinsly Railroad Company has utilized Westfield Bank as its primary bank since 1997. We had previously been doing business with much larger regional banks and made the switch primarily to take advantage of a more personal and local banking relationship. It has been very helpful to have easy access to the decision makers at the Bank. I would not hesitate to give Westfield Bank my highest recommendation."

James J. Plasse | Vice President of Finance and Administration